1.历史文化悠久西部区华文明重要发祥革命重要发源文物众历史文化底蕴丰厚西北区西安古代丝绸路轴线布着量驰名外文景观敦煌莫高窟、秦始皇兵马俑、楼兰古、布达拉宫、三星堆等历史文化遗址;the western region with glorious revolutionary cultural traditions to retain its rich revolutionary cultural relics to commemorate yan’an, zunyi, hongyan village home published historical and cultural city phase belongs to the western region of yunnan kunming, li, lijiang, water, weishan and other five historic cities 2. from the beautiful scenery, the exotic western area of ​​the vast territory of the complex landscape of the mountains and rivers from the landscape beautiful nanxi shuangbanna tropical scenery north temperate grassland, gobi, desert singular plateau snow resort style shanqing shui xiu guilin landscape, the three gorges scenery home from the protected area, home forest park, scenic area all the famous mountains, the name of the lake, waterfalls, karst, the number of springs of many mountains, the plateau snow mountain between the plant resources of its rare nature of the giant protection of the value of hair function 3. ethnic, folk culture rich color of the western region of my ethnic minority gathered in the jewish people folk culture and art treasure house contains a very rich folk culture, especially the remote minority areas still retains a long time generations of art varieties of ancient art precious fossils naxi ancient music , the folk song and dance, folk art and religious arts and so on because of the western region of national cultural resources, the unique potential of the great potential of the united states is not conducive to the comprehensive development of the western national cultural industry to provide development platform for the development of national cultural resources western cultural construction of the western region must be filled with national culture the advantages of the comprehensive development of national cultural industry, the development of the western region of the strategic history of the century to send the party to the western side of the development strategy of the west, strategy to speed up the development of the western region of the party to take the overall situation, for the new century to do the decision to recognize the western part of the strategic relationship between the expansion of foreign demand, to promote economic growth and national unity, social stability and stability to consolidate the relationship between east and west to achieve the ultimate realization of the common prosperity of the important practical significance historical significance of the implementation of the west ministry of development strategy to speed up the development of the western region of the central government’s overall situation, the overall situation by the thought of the decision to make the decision-making western issue of the history of the problem i would like to do some supplementary description of the western strategy of the implementation of the original economic data show that the western part of chongqing, sichuan, guizhou, yunnan, tibet, shaanxi, gansu, qinghai, ningxia, xinjiang, inner mongolia, guangxi and other 12 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities area of ​​6.85 million pinggong accounted for 71.4% of the resources rich market potential strategic position due to history, regional economic development is the total gdp is only the average level of 2/3 the average level of the eastern part of the 40% urgently need to speed up the reform put the pace of modernization of the reform put forward to the coastal areas of the great changes in the western region to accelerate the development of the western special conditions the gap is still widening the eastern part of the economic gap only the economic constraints of the development of the southeast coast and induced series of social problems caused by the waves in particular, the 20th century, the 20th century, 90% of the western bankruptcy of enterprises, mergers and enterprises of the staff of the community problem groups gathered events to solve the problem has been the other side western large social needs and the purchasing power is very low lead to limit the degree of market demand matching the southeast the domestic product on the eastern part of the development of the narrowing of the gap so that the western level of the people must be carried out in the western part of the original reform of the eastern society of the east china southern region resources, energy, labor cheap supply base eastern district, poor subsidies rich and richer rich and poor (lin yifu 2004) poor thinking west side of the community order to stabilize the other side of the western part of the influx of the eastern part of the stability of the eastern sector with the impact of economic differences in the basic form of social differences are very different types of crimes case of the manufacturer in the western or poor areas of the rich in the eastern part of the emerging corrupt officials of the east and west civil society gap gap seriously affect the overall construction of socialism must be the establishment of the conditions of the basic conditions of warehouses are necessary to make the western part of the poor three environmental factors are well known in the 90th century floods, dust storms, the main features of environmental problems affect the economic development of social factors, especially in the eastern economic development area suffered more serious harm to the study found that environmental problems rooted in the western state of environmental deterioration deterioration the development of the western people from the mineral resources of the primary scale of energy take the interests of no technology no technology no awareness to improve the destruction of environmental problems floods, dust storms hit the capital beijing, wuhan and other important urban home awareness must be resolved as soon as possible environmental problems western region to solve the central government to solve environmental problems. the western side of the total strategic goal after several generations of hard work in the 21st century leaves the basic realization of the modernization of the fundamental change in the western region with a significant development gap to build economic prosperity, social progress, stability, national unity, beautiful mountains and rivers, people rich new west area of ​​mountains and rivers beautiful words extensive use of land reclamation and forestry project scale to promote the degree of the problem of the fourth fully coordinated development policy continuity of the 20th century, 80 generations of reform and modernization of the construction of a comprehensive exhibition deng ping pin development balance characteristics of the bureau of strategic planning bureau of coastal areas to speed up the release faster the first development of the western region to take care of the overall situation of the other coastal areas to take more regular to take more power to help the western region to speed up the development of the eastern coastal areas to take the regular period of what period of time deng ping comrades recognize the century to pay me to determine the two meanings: the eastern region has been achieved the first goal of the end of the 20th century to achieve;二东西差距拉种程度西部富区已经力再支持东部区发展且已经严重影响先富区继续发展条件基本具备西部区始富候19996月9江泽民同志提加快西部区发展步伐条件已经具备机已经熟19999月22党十五届四全通决定明确提:家要实施西部发战略199911月15至17召央经济工作议着重指要失机实施西部发战略看西部发战略面全面协调发展需要另面央新代集体往确决策坚持发展西部发战略伟意义容置疑所要实施项百战略工程原面项伟战略历史意义西部体尤深切我再重复些众所周知文字简单做几点说明二 西部发战略实施五顾西部发战略19996月19江泽民同志西安向全发实施西部发战略号召始20046月19五周西部发战略真实施2000始200412月五间1999处于战略宣传酝酿期家关于实施西部发战略政策规划尚未式台2004许关于西部发五周顾文章、纪念家召西部发五周座谈充肯定五绩并明确指要坚定移继续推进西部发战略温家宝同志西部发绩几面做总结:经济增速度加快2000~2004西部区民产总值别增8.5%、8.8%、10.0%、11.3%12%高于前些增速度结构调整步伐加快特色产业发展始起步财政收入逐增经济效益逐步提高民断改善基础设施建设取较进展五间西部区固定资产投资均增20%明显高于全平均水平陆续新工60重建设工程投资总规模约8500亿元交通干线、水利枢纽、西电东送、西气东输、通信网络等重基础设施建设进展顺利油路县、送电乡、广播电视村、畜饮水、沼气利用、节水灌溉等农村基础设施建设逐步推进农村产条件改善态环境保护建设显著加强西部退耕林7350万亩荒山荒造林9570万亩退牧草1.9亿亩林保护、京津风沙源治理、三峡库区土整治及水污染治理、江河源态保护等重点工程全面展取明显效科技教育等社事业加快发展科技体制创新断推进科技转化能力增强科研基高技术产业化示范项目建设取初步重点高校基础设施建设科建设步伐加快农村义务教育加强7000所危房改造农村医疗卫条件所改善家支持建设260所贫困县医院疾病预防控制建设取进展干部交流才培训工作逐步展西部发促进其区发展西部区重点工程建设所需设备、技术等自于东部部区效扩些区市场空间促进产业结构调整增加业岗位同西部区输量能源、原材料等资源保证其区经济发展需要些都力支持东部部区经济发展保持民经济平稳较快增发挥重要作用温家宝:《拓创新 扎实工作断创西部发新局面》20052月5《民报》第二版西部发五取使全各族民特别西部区民看西部发展希望前景进步增强全面建设康社信决实践充证明党央、务院关于实施西部发战略决策完全确确定重点任务采取政策措施符合实际些哪些真由西部发战略实施所带或者说西部发程度促进西部发展难衡量问题即使没西部发战略西部各省市区政府百姓努力工作力图取发展每经济增我认战略政策带具体改善增即使准确计算主要西部发战略实施主要功绩应表现几面:第营造浓厚发展氛围西部发战略实施五通央各项支持西部区经济社发展政策及面积宣传西部、全乃至全球营造种发态势政府西部发高度关注各面支持、企业百姓西部发所寄予希望、各投资者西部寻找商机热情、术界西部发深入研究……均向社透露西部要发信息种信息非重要改变着政府官员、百姓各类投资者观念引导资源、资金、才、信息等逐步向西部区流同鼓舞着西部民自古做万事均气势先行家、区经济社发展发展缺乏热情、信念志向即使外部条件再丰厚事困难我认西部发五功绩激发起发西部热情给予西部民新希望第二西部区发展奠定较坚实基础西部发前五属于战略实施起步阶段我能指望五间明显看见项世纪工程效区发展首先要具备发展所需基本条件些条件满足发展才能根据经济原理发展条件非资源、资金、环境、技术才改革放给予东部区量优惠政策资金支持沿海交通便利及基础设施建设给其提供基本环境条件价格管制条件西部区其提供量廉价能源资源技术引进孔雀东南飞给其提供才智力支持改革放政策给发者创造信勇气诸条件东部先富起西部区要发展同需要些条件家财政支持及西部区经济增逐渐奠定西部发展资金条件基础设施建设、政府职能转变、态环境保护、科技教育事业发展等都西部区今发展创造着条件目前我能说发展条件已经完全具备至少逐渐积累着各种基础比起西部发战略实施前1999论哪面说经济发展基础条件都进些进表现些统计数字众所总结取重要进展第三西部发战略五工程实施定程度改变西部面貌尽管前文说西部发前五主要发展创造条件通五工程及各项发展措施推进确程度改进西部区面貌五西部12省市区经济发展速度基本都超历史水平并且连超全平均水平通态环境工程实施西部区态环境发让能够切身受变化:西部区百姓收入所提高水平所改善企业发展状况比较良尤其基础设施建设城市道路、通信设施、城市环境乡村邮路、通电、电视电等都取非改善五累计西部区陆续工建设60项重点工程新增公路通车程9.1万公新建铁路铺轨4066.5公建干线机场支线机场22县际公路工程总程达4.6万公102万贫困口实行态移民解决969电乡通电问题7000所危房改造东部企业西部区投资规模超3000亿元些绩西部区进步发展奠定坚实基础三 西部发五现新情况、新问题与新矛盾所谓新情况、新问题、新矛盾指些西部发战略实施前没、战略实施才现情况、问题矛盾西部发战略实施许往旧问题、旧矛盾依存比外商投资总量、缺乏支柱产业、东西部差距、投资环境差、效率高、才流失严重、资源发利用合理、产业结构合理、信息化城市化工业化程度低、科技转化率、利益配机制合理等西部发战略实施前存些问题虽通战略实施些面所改进并未完全改善某些面没改进甚至所加剧些都经济家直研究问题我所说西部发战略实施才现新情况、新问题、新矛盾探讨些问题矛盾何解决我认主要几面:第西部发战略怀疑与反怀疑党央务院确定西部发项百工程、伟战略既战略朝令夕改尽管实施西部发战略仍怀疑确性科性别经济家经济研究角度认投资于西部种非理性行按照经济原理显同等资金投入东部效率效益都要比投入西部高西部发持怀疑态度或保留意见其实没必要再讨论问题短期经济问题家启西部发战略原及其意义前面已经说清楚持怀疑态度能说没充理解党央战略意图怀疑今家放松西部发支持力度种担怀疑释怀首先家始西部发态度立场坚定移立西部发办公室2000颁布《务院关于实施西部发若干政策措施通知》(发〔2000〕33号)2001制定《关于西部发若干政策措施实施意见》制定《西部发总体规划》西部发重意义、支持力度等做明确表示说明家战略高度看待西部发绝非政绩工程20039月8温家宝总理新届务院西部区发领导组第全体议指要坚定实施西部发战略推向前进议要求要切实加强西部发工作组织领导加强重政策措施调查研究保持西部发政策连续性稳定性同根据形势发展变化调整完善关政策措施央西部各省市区均制定切实加快发展关政策措施说步直没停20053月5全十届三议温家宝总理政府工作报告依强调家西部发支持力度降低充说明家西部发支持并未改变西部没必要担2004温家宝总理提振兴东北工业基与西部发战略东西互两轮东北变继珠江三角洲、江三角洲京津唐区内经济第四增极部专家者及政府公务员等东北振兴热情瞬间高涨甚至别者公场合提:西部发种经济行加西部发政策效应短期内明显于乎家现淡化西部发、东北工业基振兴东风压倒西部发西风、央政策变化太快类议论百姓流传给带许解东北工业基体制等种种原现困难确实急需改革重振并未摇西部发项世纪战略百工程首先家提振兴东北等工业基等字表明除东北外西部区工业基同存振兴问题句凡工业基都面临着同问题其温家宝总理提振兴东北工业基与西部发战略东西互两轮西部发并未轻视说两轮东西部经济互发展角度言初江泽民同志提西部发战略其包含着东部坐等西部发展同互发展再西部区经济发达其极重要原工业基太体制等弊端重重所西部发重要任务便振兴西部工业基2001魏杰教授等专家指西部工业放弃问题需要改造升级论东北振兴西部发都家远局发相落区扶持进并影响先进先进带进党家三步走战略建设谐社基本内涵第二段间些曾经产误解:西部发进行态环境建设具体讲退耕林草诚态环境建设西部发战略重要任务全部西部态环境确需改善且应加紧改善西部发整体目标包括修复态内西部经济社全面发展西部民质量全面提高于发展西部经济形全经济持续协调发展局面态环境虽非重要任务西部发部非全部甚至西部发序幕已第三调新弹——输血与造血争论前所述认东部区资金报率远高于西部区西部发种经济行种说某种意义说确西部区投资环境与东部相比投资报率较低想知所难吸引资金说穷越穷、富越富家改变种局面全发展局发才提西部发战略其目要通资金、优惠政策等提高西部区投资报率尽管纯经济角度看种经济行种经济行能够带家治久安持续发展种意义讲西部发种经济行西部发其初始阶段主要政府行民间行西部区自身固必须提升造血功能造血功能何提升条件其初期需要量输血穷再能力没资金能创业机输血其实创造西部区能够自身造血基本条件程必须第四环境本转移问题我经济发展程随着产业结构升级转化内外部企业能利用东西部经济实力落差部环境污染、能耗高产业引入西部加重西部态环境恶化东西部区传统发展模式演环境本转移幕(彭海珍、任荣明2004)西部发某种程度西部放西部丰富资源、能源廉价劳力优势及政策优惠吸引东部及外企业投资程根据关规或发展规划相发达东部或外立项或发展已经饱些项目纷纷西部区寻求新发展空间——与西部落经济基础能更高级产业项目提供基本条件定关系要发展要放引资相容易引进却产业链低层项目环境本、能耗高需要解决新矛盾绿色gdp概念提程度反映解决种矛盾思路说西部立项必须充考虑环境本发展绿色经济即发与环境治理必须同并举原计划投资于西部企业说疑增加本难度部抵消其西部区投资热情我认环境本必须考虑其优惠政策或投资软环境应加重量补偿投资西部企业应付环境本既防止环境本西移保护投入西部资金积极性

